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Why is Mold Remediation So Important?

Feb 16, 2022

According to Comfy Living, 70% of homes currently have mold. Mold is a fungus that can grow both indoors and outdoors. It reproduces by releasing spores into the air, which can cause health problems in people who breathe them in. Mold remediation is the process of removing mold from an area, and it's an important step to take if you suspect you have a mold problem.

Understanding the Dangers

The dangers of mold are well documented, but many people do not take the threat seriously. They may be unaware of their risk or feel their small mold problem isn't serious enough to warrant action. Whatever the reason, everyone needs to get educated about mold and understand its potential health risks because no one is immune.

Mold grows in damp areas but doesn't always look like you expected. Mold can be especially hard to spot in dark colors and in areas hidden from sight. Mold can also grow in tiny crevices, where the eye cannot see it.

Here are several reasons why mold remediation is important:

1. Health Risks

Indoor mold growth is a problem because inhaling or touching mold spores can cause allergic reactions in some people. Symptoms of a mold allergy include nasal congestion, coughing, irritated eyes, and skin rashes. Some people experience even more serious symptoms such as gastrointestinal problems, asthma, and pneumonia. Luckily, mold remediation helps counter this threat.

2. Property Damage

In addition to the health risk, mold can cause considerable property damage if it's not stopped in time. A small mold problem in your home is irritating, but it can quickly become expensive if left untreated. Not only can mold cause stains that permanently damage home décor, but it can also destroy structural materials such as wood and drywall. Once this happens, a house may need to be gutted before being repaired.

3. Prevention

Once the mold is removed from an area, you'll need to take steps to prevent it from growing back. Preventing mold starts with keeping the area free of excess moisture through proper ventilation. Properly fixing leaky pipes can also help eliminate a mold problem once and for all because this prevents the moisture that leads to mold from returning. Mold remediation companies can also advise homeowners on other preventive measures.

4. Helps Maintain Property Value

If you're looking to sell your home, mold remediation is important because it could help improve your property value. Despite the negative connotations associated with mold, homes that have undergone professional cleanup are not necessarily less desirable than other properties. Properly remediating will ensure the property is safe for future buyers and renters.

5. Avoiding A Lawsuit

Hiring a mold remediation contractor can also help you avoid a liability claim. If it is later discovered that your home has considerable mold issues and you were aware of them but did nothing, this could result in the renters or affected individuals filing a claim against you. These lawsuits can easily succeed in states or cities that classify mold as a public health nuisance or when tenants file a class-action lawsuit.

6. Public Safety

Finally, there's the public safety aspect to consider. If your home is the source of an indoor mold issue, this could affect other people, particularly if you live in an apartment building or share your home with roommates. You'll also be subjecting everyone who enters your property to the negative health effects of mold.

7. Peace of Mind

Mold remediation can help give you peace of mind because it stops a serious problem from worsening in your home. Not only do you gain the assurance that your family is safe, but you also don't have to worry about dealing with expensive repairs and health issues caused by mold.

Prevention Is Better Than Cure

Taking certain measures such as regularly ventilating damp areas, checking for leaks and repairing them, and keeping indoor humidity at optimal levels can help prevent a mold problem from developing.

If it has already developed, the only way to guarantee that you keep a safe living environment is to eliminate it. Although it may seem like a simple task at first glance, you should never attempt to do this on your own. Mold remediation requires special equipment and chemicals that only experienced professionals should handle. It's also a labor-intensive and time-consuming process. Rather than going through all that while putting your health at risk, why not call us today? We'll be happy to help.

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